Showing posts with label Neptune transits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neptune transits. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Magi astrology Cinderella/Prince Charming Romance Timing for Soul Mate connections

(Note: the role of Cinderella 
is being played by Scarlett Johansson.)

“Dear Astrological Consultant, when will I find the man (or woman) of my dreams**?”**(Note: yes, men do have 'romantic times' too; the author Robert Louis Stevenson met his wife, who was 10 years senior, during such an event--and he wrote some great love letters to her. And there certainly are 'romantic' signs for men with Venus in their chart.)

The Magi system comes from the Shaolin monks (yes, the ones who developed kung fu as a martial arts discipline); it's based ONLY on aspects between key planets and the timing/transit activations. If you consider that horary astrology ("Where are my missing keys" or "Should I buy or sell stocks now?") is on a similar method. Are key players engaged or not either in harmony or challenge?

The comet Chiron is the planet of Cinderellas.  Like any other planet, Chiron is constantly moving as it orbits the Sun. As Chiron moves in the sky, whenever it makes a special harmonious energy to your Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune, you are at the peak of your Romance Cycle. The same is true when the position of Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune in the sky makes a harmonious energy flow to your Chiron. It is at these times that you are in your Cinderella Time and you are most attractive, most charming, and most fascinating. (A Pluto Magi time would likely bring someone who has a great $$ opportunity.)

During your Cinderella Time, people forgive you for everything. They overlook your faults and you are at the peak of your popularity. It is during your Cinderella Time that you are as irresistible as you can possibly be. You can almost walk on air. 

   ***This is when you have the greatest chance of meeting your Prince Charming (or your princess), fall in love together, and marry him (or her). But as you must have guessed, your Cinderella Gateway is open only for a few times in your life and only briefly each time. Don't miss it. It is crucial that you take advantage of it whenever it occurs in your own life.

Now: does EVERY timing mean a happy encounter? No. Keep in mind that free will is a guiding rule in all human interactions and decisions; anyone can talk him/herself into validating the wrong person's presence despite obvious warnings and refusals to accept "He/she's NOT right for me." But you MAY find yourself meeting a Significant Soul Mate who is there for a major lesson, or even to fulfill some form of obligation. The results are both yours and theirs.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Neptune transiting the 1st house: "Reality has just left the building"

One of the hardest transits I’ve had to explain to a client is a Neptunian transit—especially when it’s a first-house event. It’s a long-term State of Confusion—and reality has gone on an extended vacation. Being an Outer Planet, Neptunian transits last for years. When this appears in a first-house position, and with the time that Neptune spends in retrograde again and again over time, it can feel like a lifetime has gone haywire for eternity. The Escher image can be somewhat helpful as a visual: "That doesn't make sense, but that's how I see things now." The body becomes more sensitive than ever to external influences, especially those which can cloud the mind, emotions, and thinking processes. Chemicals and substance indulgences can be especially hard to manage now, and their effects can be more debilitating when the individual is not aware of dosage or quantity.
Even worse, when these are used for escapism and “getting away from a world gone crazy,” the results can be staggering, both literally and figuratively. But with all transits, there are hopeful and meaningful Life Lessons. A Neptune first house transit can bring heightened levels of spirituality, sensitivity, and inspiration, especially if it brings energy to Venus or Jupiter, and if well controlled, to Uranus. (That is, if Uranus is managed well by natal aspect.)
Artists, musicians, and creative writers may find a Neptune first house transit to be helpful for their craft, and healers and spiritual-religious teachers may also find new levels of attunement with their values and beliefs. But the first house is an angular one (distributing significant amounts of attention for the individual’s personality and self-identity/image that society-at-large notices). In the case of a Neptunian transit here, there is a possibility that the other three angular houses (4th, 7th, and 10th) will feel an impact, especially if personal planets (Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars) are placed in any of them. Even Saturn’s rigidness can be confused by Neptune, especially if the Taskmaster of Karma is natally positioned in one of those houses.
Imagine how unstabilizing a Neptune challenge can be to a 4th house position of Saturn—and the home environment slowly-but-surely comes undone to all that structure and discipline. Or consider a 7th house Saturn—and a Neptune opposition makes for all kinds of “is this truly a relationship worth keeping, or am I fooling myself—or being fooled in return?”
A 10th house natal Saturn would also suffer from a loss of foundation and long-term planning if Neptune crosses it via an uncomfortable squaring transit—and all that job security and effort might just be disregarded when someone decides to leave an established career and live as Henry David Thoreau on Walden Pond. And that’s nothing compared to Pluto positioned in the 4th/7th/10th with a Neptune square or opposition (or even conjunction): “My power, control, and domination have come undone: I’m Humpty Dumpty, and I’ve fallen off the wall and my shell has been shattered! How do I pick up the pieces and make sense of my life again?”
 Robert Hand says, “For the next several years, you will be changing your ways of interacting with other people. During this period, self-knowledge is difficult but essential. It is difficult because you will constantly be presented with new aspects of yourself as others see you, and you will try and incorporate what they see into your view of yourself. This is nearly impossible, however, because you are going through a chameleon phase to which you quite unintentionally present a wide variety of faces to people.
“It is essential that you know yourself during this transit, precisely because others will not know you clearly. You have to learn who you are in your own terms and to recognize that the way you project your personality to others is not the true inner you. It is only the aspect of yourself by which you relate to people. “The changes you are undergoing at this time may confuse you and certainly will confuse others.
Consequently, your relationships may become quite difficult because the people you attract relate only to the currently projected image of yourself, not your real needs. And just as you may confuse and delude others, perhaps inadvertently, they may do the same to you. Be wary of getting caught up in weird schemes and projects that others propose. Your sense of reality is not at its best during these years.
“You may also operate very idealistically during this period, acting on the basis of what you want to be true rather than what is true. You may get involved with very idealistic projects that have little basis in reality, with unfortunate results. “Another effect of this transit may be to stimulate your compassion for others. You may take care of someone you love who needs help, or you may want to work in groups with others for people who need help. There is a tendency to want to save others under this transit’s influence.
But avoid having people become improperly dependent on you, for that may prevent them from fully realizing themselves. You may also want to seek out someone who can help you during these years. In your confusion, you may become demoralized and feel that you are a totally unworthy individual. Or you may look to someone who seems stronger in order for you to be sustained by his or her strength. The chief problem with this is that you may become permanently dependent on him or her.”