Showing posts with label Transits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transits. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Lunar Return and month-to-month Activity cycles of the Moon

The lunar return is one method of tuning in oneself to the trends of psychological astrology as well as "what's up for me?"  Similar in nature to the solar return but in a 27.5 day phase, the lunar return offers us the chance to see what the month(s) ahead will bring, each with a new "social/public/business scene" from the Moon's energies.  And since the Moon is part of our subconscious nature, it represents what we have asked to learn and have drawn to ourselves in the process.  What better way to see "What have I asked to experience next?" in the month(s) ahead? 

I use lunar returns to keep aware of timing phases that are manageable in small scale: "What's going on with me for next/this month?" The other planets can also be identified within a lunar return; they may have a cooperative or limited flow of energy with the Moon, depending on placements for the specified time.  

The lunar return is yet ANOTHER reason that I encourage you to follow the potential flows of Life Activity during the course of a year. Note: "lunar types" (4th house Moon or Asc. or Cancer Asc or 4th house stellium) should ESPECIALLY follow the lunar returns throughout the year!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Transits can help make sense out of chaos


Program? Program!--can't tell the meaning of transits and their significance without a program!! 
“Hello, friends. Are you struggling with life choices?
Are decisions and responses getting snagged in your pursuit of happiness?
Are you ‘missing the clear voice of reason’ in your cause-and-effect answers?
Let ‘astrological transits’ clarify things!” (I can help)

Joking intro aside, this is very true for SO many of us—we ignore the possibilities that things aren’t happening for a reason—especially when it comes to the lessons of opportunity and challenge of the outer planets. I would also include the ever-present “go away and stop bothering me!” impact on our psyche from Saturn, Indicator of Tough Life Lessons. We also let that trouble-maker, Ego, get in our way because “I want what I want and I’m not backing down!” That is, until the transiting lesson has either brought forward personal growth of character, maturity (and wisdom), and a hearty measure of “Now do you want to listen and learn?”

Personally and professionally, I’ve seen three areas of Life Activity rear up and throw obstacles—or refusals for a desired resolution—in the pattern of transits from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each has its own way of grabbing our attention—obviously, startling, vaguely, and intensely, in that order. Yet we often try our hardest to deny what we don’t like, want, or really do need in our path of soul evolution. Yes, this is an extremely TOUGH environment: a heavily-dense physical dimension with a low spiritual overtone. But it does get better—once you graduate from Earthly life lessons.

Those three troublesome areas: career, relationships, and physical awareness—are on everyone’s to-do list. We grow up with them as companions, and we wrestle with them in various ways. Sometimes it’s about how to manage the roof over our head, or in other ways, the roof over our heart and whom we let inside. Perhaps it’s the “what do I do with my life?!” timing that’s awesome (the correct word) because it’s too vast and as big as a mountain (or as deep as an ocean) in our path. Or it’s the heartache and heartbreak of realizing we fooled ourselves again in making plans for sharing our future with a companion. Or even NOT having a companion—and accepting life as a solo act. Or—maybe it’s “I want to be of value and be compensated—and I can’t find the outlet (or make it work to fulfill my wants!” (when instead, it may be enough to fill our needs instead).

As a reminder: the transits are Indicators of what our psyche has to experience for soul growth. That’s why we’re in this strange physical form called the human body. Amazing what it can do, yes? And certainly, amazing for its potentials—and somewhat regretfully, that it tends to wear out too soon and in ways that are not enjoyable to maintain. But while we’re in this reality, let’s consider what the transits are saying:

Saturn: “Are you willing to go back again and again and re-learn and show through repeated trials and efforts that you have to do the tough work; the tough love; the get-up-and-be-counted actions and activities? Saturn certainly can put our Sun’s Self-identity through the ringer when it’s in a challenging time. It’s a reason to remember that obstacles are only temporary—like Harry Potter’s boggart cabinet and all that came out. Face them, and they’ll melt away—until the next time it’s ready to reveal another one.

Uranus: “Did you really think life was normal? If so, why are you reading this? You KNOW better!—and that’s why you can look at the “muggles” who can’t fathom what’s wrong and how much they’re ignoring matters. Uranus will toss you in the air to see if you THINK you can land on your feet like a cat—(and you can). Or it drops you from a plane and a parachute that MAY open—or not—but to see how you react. You’ll still survive no matter what.

Neptune: “I KNOW it’s what you dream and wish—be that job offer, that romantic love affair, or even that home-away-from-home, but it’s not practical—nor is it based in reality. Sorry, but the time will come when you must open your eyes. Look back and be thankful for the spiritual gifts that came to you. They were a blessing from the Divine Consciousness. But learn to let go of the illusion that it was perhaps meant to end at this time.”

Pluto: “If you can squeeze a tube of toothpaste, try being squeezed yourself. Or—how about those dreams where someone—or something—is chasing you—and you can’t get away?” Pluto won’t stop until you’ve morphed from a caterpillar into your cocoon—and are waiting to emerge, Dear Butterfly.” Pluto transits can last for SO many years, depending on the chart dynamics indicated by the house/wedge doorkeepers—and because we live in a world where change is gonna come regardless, the strong will survive and give the wisdom gained to younger generations. That’s how we’ll all evolve in time to join our rightful place in the brother-sisterhood of our galaxy. They’ve done the work—or in some cases, not—but they’re all going to go through it. Pluto is inevitable—even Darth Vader changed his attitude, Luke!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Pluto exits Capricorn into Aquarius: the Transformation of Society beyond 2020

We have experienced a global pandemic. This is our New Reality. And there's a lot of people asking about careers, money, and other plans. I note this may not the kind of business planning you want in life--but you have to deal with it. Or maybe you are looking forward to change--and need some reassurance. 

Therefore, some awareness regarding Pluto (Change, Transformation, and Metamorphic Principles) in Capricorn (Business concepts and large social structures): things are in an eminent state of collapse, turnover, and rebuilding. That goes for national, political, economic, religious, and geo-physical boundaries. Remember: nations and their respective governments have a general lifespan of 225 years+/- before something happens and it goes under. Sometimes a leader arises from within--or there's a confrontation from another source. 

Capricorn is a sign dealing with political and economic power structures, profession, status, ambition, and leadership. During the {prior} years in which Pluto was in Capricorn, new concepts of government were born. Their most notable manifestation was in the American Declaration of Independence. The birth of democratic forms of government at this time began the displacement of aristocratic power structures. (The follow-through ripple effect was the fall of the European monarchies and the rise of the working man and the Industrial Revolution. The rise of factories and large industries--Capricorn--and businesses took hold. Now it is time for it to be torn down and rebuilt. This also includes geo-physical Earth changes to nations in power. Expect this as earthquakes that devastate large economic and financially vital areas and also disrupt food cultivation and distribution.)

Now that Pluto is ending in Capricorn (and stays in it on/off/on until 2023-25), a world government {based on what we ARE TOLD are the best interests of all mankind} will begin. This government will be founded on new social, legal, educational, and religious concepts, which will be developed during Pluto's stay in Sagittarius. 

However--a caveat: this will be a continuation of the deception of the System; the Matrix as an entity of private government-business. The "new government" will still be part of the passing away of the old System. There WILL be the birth of a new movement as Pluto moves into Aquarius that fosters and nurtures world harmony and unity: "Cooperation, not Competition" {my words}. This will be part of an effort to work together regardless of the boundaries that have divided us by color, the concept of race, nationality, or creed--or personal relationship choices or gender identity. But it will still be competing with the "old ways" until enough time has passed--and much of the population changes their thinking about "me and not 'us'". 

The generation born with Pluto in Capricorn will manifest dynamic, practical will in organization, business, and government. This will be based on the concept that all human beings must be given a chance to develop their own potential according to their ability and self-discipline. {This is why the difference matters now more than ever: we are in the emerging existence of the 5th dimension and "Creativity and Thought-Manifestation" exploration. We will literally build with our minds when focused together: we can manifest realities in group concentration.}

{But the movement for humanitarian efforts is the leading focal point because it is also the start of the global government as seen in the Star Trek series: the United Federation of Planets. Part of the birth of an independent world government will begin most likely well into 2040-50 and beyond that embraces harmony, unity, and an acceptance of "All Men and Women Brothers and Sisters"--will involve awareness of visitors from the Pleiades and other star systems. This will also involve the return of what has been called "Planet X"or "Nibiru", its inhabitants--the ancient ones known as the Annunaki--and the hidden history of Earth. It will begin when Pluto has its time in Aquarius, the Sign of Higher Cosmic Knowledge, starting in 2025. (It's not going to be an instant thing either--unfortunately, the Baby Boomer generation--including me--will need to exit. The children being born now are the ones to really watch!)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Astrological Predicting and Human Free Will/Choices

For reference and with good reason from a premier counselor in our time. Some people I've met have been too insistent on not taking their own free will and decision-making choices into account. Steven Forrest explains why that's not a healthy matter for them nor the advising astrological counselor:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Transits & Progressions: Your Life's Personal Life Experience/Growth Visitors

Guess Who’s Come for a Visit?
Why, it's the Transits & Progressions!!

This refers to the counter-clockwise movement of the planets under current cycles against the natural background of your chart. Let’s think of it as your personal "Cosmic Bed & Breakfast" with a pattern of new guests who show you what you're meant to learn and why it matters.

In personal terms, think of as many as 16* visitors (*with the asteroids, Chiron, and Lilith) “visiting” your home (Life) and the respective houses (wedges) in your chart, depending on the sign on the cusp (sort of a doorman, eh?). Each “guest” receives a different "room" to stay in for their time of residence, depending on their schedule—and each house/wedge is a realm of activity that is activated or emphasized. Preparations need to be made for each “visitor,” in that you either gain “rent-income” for their visit (a positive opportunity phase) or a lesson to be learned and mastered (a frustrating or stressful time—or ultimately a growth process)--in how you choose to handle it).

Each planet-guest receives a measure of comfort—or discomfort—depending on any previous occupants by design from the birth chart. In other words, when a transiting planet “arrives” at a wedge on your chart, it stays for its respective term—like being on a vacation. However, it might be asked to ‘share’ accommodations with any planets that naturally reside there by natural residence on your chart.

So now you’ve got a ‘visitor’ to a particular area of life experience—and depending on how they generate energy, your ‘guest’ may be comfortable—or irritable. Either way, there are lessons to be experienced and learned; “activated” is another term. The “guest” planet(s) will also interact with the natural outlay of planets from the birth chart—so your “guests” may or may not be pleased at the circumstances—hence, the “learning” process in how we choose to adapt and make them “at home.”

The *planets in their transits repeat themselves in timely cycles: Mars moves around the chart every two years; Saturn takes @ 2.5 years; Jupiter visits in a 12-year phase; Uranus has a 7-year cycle; Neptune works its illusions and dissolving trends for @13 years; Pluto may vary between 12-31 years, depending on its unusual orbit. The Sun, although it is the center of our solar system, is also considered to “move” in the chart, as does the Moon. The Sun will naturally follow the 12-month zodiac, and the Moon will change every 2.5+/- days.

I don’t usually emphasize Venus or Mercury because they are more ‘social’ in nature, rather than having long-term significance or emphasis. (They're easier to accommodate.) Nothing like Pluto staying for years at a time--and there's always some sort of unplanned renovation going on when it visits!...and just about everyone is glad to see Saturn leave too because there's SO much work that has to be done while it stays! The door is always open for Jupiter because it usually brings fortune and opportunity. Mars...tends to be a bit upsetting: anything from literally burning down the house to knocking down the walls to build that new exercise room. Uranus...well, you never can tell what will happen--but prepare for the unexpected. And Neptune...never sure if Neptune is EVER going to make an appearance!)


Whereas transits are the current Life Activity events, progressions are more about the Soul's Evolutionary Progress as experienced by the advancement of the planets through the signs over a lifetime. I call progressions "The Butterfly Emerging from the Cocoon" phases of Life.

The primary points & planets that I recommend are the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. They each change signs over specific periods of time, especially the Sun (1 degree per year from the starting degree marker of birth; 30 degrees total) and the Moon (1 degree per month). For example, I was born 24 degrees Aries; at 6 years old, I "evolved" into Taurus. My birth Sun remains the same; I then experienced 30 years of a two-way lesson of Soul Identity as an Aries-Taurus. At age 36, I became a Gemini, and will continue until age 66, when I become a Cancer-Crab.

The Moon also advances in this way each month at one degree, and is very useful to examine trends in social activity, encounters with the public-at-large, and relationship patterns. The other planets also move, especially the inner ones, but I do not use them as frequently unless they reach critical degree points.

Here's another way of viewing it:

· When the Progressed Sun Changes Sign: Depending on how long a person lives, the progressed Sun changes sign perhaps 3 times in the entire life span. The period when the progressed Sun is very late in a sign and is about to change to a new sign (this occurs for about a year) is often a rather critical year in which many changes occur. When the progressed Sun changes signs, there is usually a very clear change in a person's general orientation and responses to his or her environment. Plenty of real-life events are possible (such as relocation, a new job in a new field, etc.), but the common theme is starting fresh—"out with the old and in with the new"—and a marked change in the outlook and attitudes of an individual. Before the progressed Sun changes signs, there can be some fear and dread—even a feeling that things are being "taken" from us. Hasty and poor decisions and a sense of urgency can be characteristic of this period.

· The Progressed Moon — Cycle of Maturity: The progressed Moon moves through the houses of our natal chart, coming full circle in about 27-28 years. The house it is moving through represents areas of our life that come into focus. We recognize our needs in these areas more intensely, although not necessarily clearly. For example, the progressed Moon moving through the 4th house often brings with it a strong need and search for "roots" and basic life definition. Even though our natal Moon sign "reigns" over our emotional needs in a general sense, our focus shifts as the progressed Moon passes through our houses.

In fact, our emotional needs seem to change or shift as the house position changes. The sign of your Progressed Moon indicates the prevailing emotional attitude of that period of time. Also note that if you look into your past and determine when the progressed Moon passed over any one of the four angles in your chart (that is, the Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and IC) you will see that these progressions/passages often mark rather significant times in your life. Also significant is the progression of the Moon to critical degrees, as well as Progressed Moon in aspect to natal planets and points.

· The Progressed Lunation Cycle: This is the cycle from one progressed New Moon to the next (every 27-28 years). Look to the phase of the progressed Sun and progressed Moon. During the progressed New Moon phase, individuals instinctively start a new phase or chapter in their lives. The Crescent phase brings about new challenges and opportunities, as well as adjustments, that don't always feel pleasant, to the new cycle as a purpose is not entirely clear at this point in the cycle.

The First Quarter phase represents a particularly active, building stage, while the Gibbous stage presents a time of refining and fine-tuning. This makes way for the Full Moon phase, which is a time of fruition and accomplishment. This marks the beginning of the progressed waning moon phase, when some things dissolve and one begins to recognize the need to let go. 

The Disseminating phase is a time of sharing and literally "disseminating" that which has been learned in the waxing phase of the moon. The next phase, the Third Quarter Moon phase, marks a time of one's life when there lies some discontent and dissatisfaction with the way one has been approaching life. This can be a somewhat confusing time, as one instinctively prepares for the final stage of the waning Moon: the Balsamic phase. During this phase, old systems begin to phase out, and there may be a desire for withdrawal and reflection.

· Progressed Planets Conjuncting an Angle of the Natal Chart or Progressed Angles Conjuncting a Natal Planet or Point. These activations involving natal and progressed angles (the Ascendant and Midheaven) generally point to significant personal changes in the native's life.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mercury Retrograde: Lost Information & time for personal reflection

About four times a year, a 4-6 week occurrence happens in when Mercury goes retrograde: all types of communication go 'unsteady.' It is often observed that papers are misplaced, documents and important transactions are not processed as planned, people often complain that they can't focus or think clearly, appointments are canceled or postponed, hiring decisions are delayed, or other matters of sharing information are cast adrift until that point when Mercury once again regains its position as leader and overtakes the Earth in its orbit. Travel plans go astray more so during a Mercury retro because Mercury rules short trips. 

What's a retrograde? A retrograde indicates an internalization process; influences and actions that would be energized for the planet(s) that are in a retro cycle are slower to manifest:  they are more ‘inside than outside’ and take longer to complete, comprehend, or activate. As a physical happening, this is when the Earth overtakes the other planet in our respective orbits around the Sun (*the other planets also go “retro”; the only one that doesn’t is the Moon)--and it appears that the slower moving one is going 'backwards.' We have all see this while driving on the highway or in trains: the landscape (or vehicle overtaken) looks to be going in reverse.  Of course, that does not really happen, but the optical illusion is there.  Mercury is the fastest moving planet that we know of in its orbit around the Sun: it takes approximately 88 days.

In astrological terms, Mercury represents our capacity to communicate and think, thereby "ruling" (or 'sponsoring') all types of mental activities and delivery of thoughts: written and verbal, as well as contracts, signings of such, and the industries that provide these services (phones, computers, electronics). Which signs get zinged the most? Well, Gemini and Virgo, because they're ruled by Mercury. Not that they're exclusive, but they seem to feel it sooner. The same for Gemini and Virgo moon signs and ascendants.

Has this any good potential--aside from feeling that one has lost his or her mind for a temporary period of time or that it's not appropriate to sign that important paper? Yes: some people find they can actually focus more clearly on a single idea during Mercury retrograde. Some writers (myself included) and people who may be considered hyperactive or ADD may find they can actually do more work on a regimented schedule during a Mercury retrograde. I have found some of my better writing efforts have come during a time frame like this. 

Also, matters that went wrong before but have better potential now for a renewal or second chance may find results during a Mercury retrograde. Sales, "meeting someone again" for the second time to repair or join again in a reunion often works better because it's a "we've done this before" awareness that allows for the subconscious self to blend mind and emotion without trying to out-think the idea on a conscious level. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Steven Forrest discusses the 2nd Saturn Return

Master astrologer Steven Forrest discusses the 2nd Saturn return that arrives between age 59-60 and heralds the end of mid-life and the lessons ahead. This is a vital part of the Life Cycle and a very significant story to hear.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Neptune transiting the 1st house: "Reality has just left the building"

One of the hardest transits I’ve had to explain to a client is a Neptunian transit—especially when it’s a first-house event. It’s a long-term State of Confusion—and reality has gone on an extended vacation. Being an Outer Planet, Neptunian transits last for years. When this appears in a first-house position, and with the time that Neptune spends in retrograde again and again over time, it can feel like a lifetime has gone haywire for eternity. The Escher image can be somewhat helpful as a visual: "That doesn't make sense, but that's how I see things now." The body becomes more sensitive than ever to external influences, especially those which can cloud the mind, emotions, and thinking processes. Chemicals and substance indulgences can be especially hard to manage now, and their effects can be more debilitating when the individual is not aware of dosage or quantity.
Even worse, when these are used for escapism and “getting away from a world gone crazy,” the results can be staggering, both literally and figuratively. But with all transits, there are hopeful and meaningful Life Lessons. A Neptune first house transit can bring heightened levels of spirituality, sensitivity, and inspiration, especially if it brings energy to Venus or Jupiter, and if well controlled, to Uranus. (That is, if Uranus is managed well by natal aspect.)
Artists, musicians, and creative writers may find a Neptune first house transit to be helpful for their craft, and healers and spiritual-religious teachers may also find new levels of attunement with their values and beliefs. But the first house is an angular one (distributing significant amounts of attention for the individual’s personality and self-identity/image that society-at-large notices). In the case of a Neptunian transit here, there is a possibility that the other three angular houses (4th, 7th, and 10th) will feel an impact, especially if personal planets (Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars) are placed in any of them. Even Saturn’s rigidness can be confused by Neptune, especially if the Taskmaster of Karma is natally positioned in one of those houses.
Imagine how unstabilizing a Neptune challenge can be to a 4th house position of Saturn—and the home environment slowly-but-surely comes undone to all that structure and discipline. Or consider a 7th house Saturn—and a Neptune opposition makes for all kinds of “is this truly a relationship worth keeping, or am I fooling myself—or being fooled in return?”
A 10th house natal Saturn would also suffer from a loss of foundation and long-term planning if Neptune crosses it via an uncomfortable squaring transit—and all that job security and effort might just be disregarded when someone decides to leave an established career and live as Henry David Thoreau on Walden Pond. And that’s nothing compared to Pluto positioned in the 4th/7th/10th with a Neptune square or opposition (or even conjunction): “My power, control, and domination have come undone: I’m Humpty Dumpty, and I’ve fallen off the wall and my shell has been shattered! How do I pick up the pieces and make sense of my life again?”
 Robert Hand says, “For the next several years, you will be changing your ways of interacting with other people. During this period, self-knowledge is difficult but essential. It is difficult because you will constantly be presented with new aspects of yourself as others see you, and you will try and incorporate what they see into your view of yourself. This is nearly impossible, however, because you are going through a chameleon phase to which you quite unintentionally present a wide variety of faces to people.
“It is essential that you know yourself during this transit, precisely because others will not know you clearly. You have to learn who you are in your own terms and to recognize that the way you project your personality to others is not the true inner you. It is only the aspect of yourself by which you relate to people. “The changes you are undergoing at this time may confuse you and certainly will confuse others.
Consequently, your relationships may become quite difficult because the people you attract relate only to the currently projected image of yourself, not your real needs. And just as you may confuse and delude others, perhaps inadvertently, they may do the same to you. Be wary of getting caught up in weird schemes and projects that others propose. Your sense of reality is not at its best during these years.
“You may also operate very idealistically during this period, acting on the basis of what you want to be true rather than what is true. You may get involved with very idealistic projects that have little basis in reality, with unfortunate results. “Another effect of this transit may be to stimulate your compassion for others. You may take care of someone you love who needs help, or you may want to work in groups with others for people who need help. There is a tendency to want to save others under this transit’s influence.
But avoid having people become improperly dependent on you, for that may prevent them from fully realizing themselves. You may also want to seek out someone who can help you during these years. In your confusion, you may become demoralized and feel that you are a totally unworthy individual. Or you may look to someone who seems stronger in order for you to be sustained by his or her strength. The chief problem with this is that you may become permanently dependent on him or her.”

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pluto transiting the 1st House: The Food Grinder of Life into Rebirth

Every week, there's a new business email request for advice: "Mitch, help! My life is under so much pressure! I'm not myself anymore! What's going on--and how long will this last?" 

Well, when the origin of this kind of stress is Pluto, all I can say is "A long time." And when it's placed by transit in the client's first house of Personality, Public Image, and Outward Expression of the psyche, all I can offer is the advice that "Yes, you're hurting--because you're being Transformed, Re-designed, and Rebuilt in ways that you can't yet understand--but the results will be amazing when the process is over. It's the Phoenix Principle all over again--but now you're getting it from up-down-forwards-backwards." It's what I call "Being thrown into the Food Grinder of Life": what comes out is a whole new look of the psyche and someone's physical being as well.

This transit, especially as it's Plutonian, will last for years--and if there's an interception in the first house, MANY years--and possibly for two decades or so. It also impacts (as the first house is an angular house, or area of Major Life Experience and Emphasis), the other three angular houses: the 4th (Home Environment), the 7th (Personal and Business Relationships), and the 10th (Career and Status).

I also consider a Pluto 1st house transit to be the quintessential "metamorphic" energy dynamic. Then again, if one desires diamonds, then there's got to be pressure applied to a lump of coal. In this case, it's the individual client who is now finding him or herself to be made of carbon. Hopefully, he or she will find themselves shining with brilliant value from within and externally as a "new person" when the transit has long passed.

With Pluto in the 1st, into the grinder of Transformation, Change, Regeneration, Rebuilding, and Reconstruction we—or you--go!  The way you feel about yourself, and the image you project to the outer world will change radically. Your need to be in control of yourself and of your environment will also change, and you may find that your lifestyle alters considerably under this transit.

I would think of this transit as being caught in a vise, or slowly sanding off the rough edges on a huge carved statue—this definitely impacts the physical form; the body (human, or redesigning a corporate image if this is a business entity—a logo modification or new design?). What the world perceives about us is transformed as our appearance undergoes a change. 

Plastic surgery, having growths removed, applying artistic designs such as tattoos—and mental endeavors such as adapting a new persona and way of presenting oneself are potential 1st house Pluto activities. This is also a time when ‘animal magnetism’ and sexual energy becomes stronger because Pluto will enhance a sense of radiant power.  No matter how it personally is internalized, on an outward manifestation, a 1st house Pluto transit will “remodel” the receiver in some long-term fashion or manner.  An awareness of dynamic potential surrounds the individual like an aura.  I like to think of the caterpillar shedding its skin, or even snakes—and they’re Plutonian for that reason. 

This gives greater control over unconscious drives that have instigated compulsions and irrational impulses.  An individual will gradually become aware of the circumstances that have shaped him or herself.  As noted above, personality traits are more in line and there is greater opportunity to “remake” one’s image.  Actors or actresses who take on new and different roles would be a good visual image.  Physical practices may be undertaken to transform the body, such as yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, or other movement forms.  Reiki sessions, massage, shiatsu, and Jin Shin Jyutsu are excellent therapies to consider.

Power trips and control can become more open and noticeable during a Pluto-1st transit regarding your personality and how you approach the world. The possibilities for change are open: the choices are for greater or lesser, for better or worse. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pluto 4th House transit: Rebuild your Life & Home

A word from Pluto the Transforming Agent of Changes and Rebuilding: "When I visit a house (Area of Life Activity), you will meet MY demands and expectations that are designed for your personal Growth & Character Development--and My method is to destroy what you have created and expect will continue. Your ability to regenerate and reconstruct yourself into NEW Awareness of Self is my gift--whether or not you like it or agree with the immediate results."

Don't care for Saturn's Lessons and "Go back and repeat it again" ways? Pluto doesn't ask us to repeat a lesson: it completely wipes out the rules and guidelines and makes us develop a whole new sense of ideas, purpose, commitment, or objectives. To my experience (and also from clients), this is more observable when Pluto transits the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, & 10th houses). 

This is a lesson of Pluto in the Fourth House of Home Environment, Family Settings, and the End Times of our lives: whatever structures, foundations, plans, goals, objectives, and intentions are in place will be swept aside, either figuratively or literally. (Author's note: In my own experience, I have watched Pluto in my 4th house since 2005--and I have moved almost 3000 miles six times since then. That's over 4600 km each time. In facing Pluto each time, I have made friends and seen them depart from my life and given up loved ones, pets, belongings, property, and jobs. It has been brutally painful each time--but Pluto in the 4th house says "Where you are and what you are at this time will not be the same when I have finished with your life.")

I don't want to use the analogy of a disaster as a means of defining Pluto in the 4th house, but it has a firm message that I saw as the embodiment of this transit. In 2005, when I saw New Orleans, Louisiana, be pummeled by Hurricane Katrina, that was a strong motivation for me to immediately decide that I needed to change how I lived, WHERE I lived, and how much I needed to learn about my priorities and values about "home sweet home." My very first home that I bought seven months earlier was put on the market for sale--and I said to friends that I intended to relocate to California so that I could meet someone who would help me learn about self-reliance and self-sufficiency and share a home. I found that person--and found ourselves a farm and land--not long after. It was an eye-opening experience to raise food--including chickens--and to be responsible for the egg-to-dinner table results. This City Boy learned a whole new way of living from Pluto's presence in the 4th house. 

It happened again in 2009, when I had to move yet again (and yes, over 3000 miles) in order to deal with 4th house issues. (The 4th house involves one parent; this involved my mother's health and care.) After I finished the tenure set by Pluto for this transformational understanding, I was then free to move yet AGAIN 3000+ miles in order to start new--and so I did. 

And now...Pluto has energized me and the importance of starting over one more time--and I have--you guessed it--moved a great distance to work overseas. (My 5th house cusp is 23 Capricorn--looks like "the road is my middle name" may well be my future for a LONG time). 

So, PLEASE heed my counsel when I say to you that "Pluto in transit through your 4th house {and also in other houses} will change you in ways that you do not expect, that you do not want to let go of, and in ways that are absolutely profound to your expectations. Learn to embrace the potential of Renewal, Rebuilding, and Opportunity from Pluto, even if it means you have to pack everything in a suitcase and go. Pluto makes no promises except that change is inevitable, and that your willingness to face it can make all the difference for success or frustration. As much as you may love your home and all that belongs under your roof, Pluto transiting your 4th house may uproot you physically, emotionally, and most certainly, completely, so that you find the path to a new reality that is vital for your psyche.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mars in Taurus - Steady at the helm

With Mars in Taurus in transit in the sign of the Bull and its earthy element, this is a time to Slow Down and Act with Deliberation, Purpose, and Consistency--and Get the Job Done because that's what keeps us focused. 

All manners of physical work, including exercise, should be better now: the body human and its flesh-and-blood construction, will be better able to handle requirements and functions if asked and applied. This also includes care and treatment--as in "get some quality time for relaxation and comfort." 

It's absolutely appropriate to go to the gym a bit more if you need the hands-on workout, but it's also just as important now--more than ever--to get body care, including adjustments, manipulation, or other corrective support, and also massage, reflexology, spa or other water therapies, or sensory enhancement (aromatherapy, ear candling, mud baths, or even deep soaking time in a hot tub).

Mars in Taurus is a time when intellect and decision-making moves slowly; therefore, it's absolutely correct for deep thinking, planning, strategizing, and even deliberation. It can also be beneficial for projects that would take time to fulfill or accomplish; this could be an excellent opportunity to tackle a large project that does not have a need for a fast resolution. However you use this energy, it's slow and steady--and gives a great potential for tangible rewards.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mars in Aries says "We've got the Power!"

Are you a self-starter who knows the meaning and purpose of "Let's GO for it"? (Or are you someone who says, "If I only had a bit more energy--the things I could accomplish!") Is Mars positioned in Aries in your chart?
This means "YOU have the power to put the pedal to the metal and ACTIVATE!" With Mars giving that shot of adrenalin to its ruling sign and a fuel source that's incendiary, this is a call to show the world that you can give the spark of Initiative for those who are asking for the words of Jim Morrison and the Doors, "Come on baby, Light My Fire!" (Or better yet: just ask the Fantastic Four's Human Torch: "Flame On!")

If there's a project, plan, endeavor, or concept that you want to see that radiates, illuminates, and vibrates with power, assertion, energy, and vitality, you are unleashed with potential with Mars in Aries. And remember: the Sun moves into Aries on March 20th, so the time frame from the first day of Spring until the Sun shifts into Taurus is ESPECIALLY stoked for the hottest and brightest you can get to kick it into overdrive. Burn, baby, burn!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Saturn Retrograde: Time off to Internalize Deep Life Lessons

Saturn deals with karma, limits, responsibility, tradition, conservatives, authorities, long term goals and accomplishments patiently created, taking responsibility, creating structure, and setting boundaries. Once a year Saturn goes into retrograde for about four-and-a-half months. During this influence, you will probably find it unwise to attempt sudden changes or to rush through things. Take practical steps and accept limitations while you take serious steps toward your long term goals. Saturn retrograde can cause you to become your own hardest taskmaster, limit your actions or leave you feeling blocked and pessimistic. 

In Scorpio, Saturn will teach us how to handle
Life lessons to learn to deal with power and intimacy. You may overcome obstacles through insight or the exercise of power; you may also transform problems into opportunities by getting at their roots.  You may often find yourself blocked by power of others or thwarted by secrecy; you are vulnerable to betrayal; the misuse of power may be your undoing; your blockages may tend to be deep-seated. While retrograde, Saturn will help us clear out issues over sexuality, power, control, and knowing hot to let go of something (someone?) who needs to be discarded.

Saturn also deals with mastering and accomplishing difficult Life Lessons that we often try our best to avoid. Yet there is no negotiating with the Lord of Karma (Saturn): we only end up encountering the same obstacles that we thought had been disregarded. With Saturn retrograde, we internalize and absorb the meaning of the "life classroom experience" we have been shown in order to build some character and moral-spiritual backbone of foundation for our soul and psyche.  Saturn retrograde makes us look at what we SHOULD be doing and why we haven't accepted it as a hurdle to learn to get over, rather than deny. 

With Saturn retrograde, "All talk and no action" becomes the reminder that "Walk your talk" means getting another chance to "put your money where your mouth is." Even better: think of Saturn in retrograde as Hamlet's famous query, "To be or not to be? That is the question." Saturn, ever as strong as can possibly be as the Taskmaster of Lessons, will surely provide the retrograde as an opportunity to give every one of us the time to come up with the answer as well as WHY it matters "to be!"

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Uranus direct (and Uranus transits): Thrill-seekers and Wild Rides

Here we go again: it's time for "Uranus goes Direct," and YOU get to be the rider on the the Unpredictable, Unexpected, Unusual, and Exciting Roller Coaster planet. Up-is-down & down-is-up once again.

During the transits of Uranus to your natal chart, you will experience phenomena that are out of accord with your everyday life.  The events that occur will be unusual, upsetting, sudden, and unexpected.  For this reason, astrologers are often reluctant about giving precise consultations about Uranian activities.  Almost all that can be said for sure is to “expect the unexpected, and let the craziness be your guide.” 

But the transits of Uranus are not to be feared or harmful; rather, they confront us regarding our extent of what we are unwilling to accept regarding newness and change in our lives.  Uranus challenges the rigid structures in life that most people work so hard to build.  Many people value regularity and predictability so much that they will even sacrifice personal happiness to get it.  (Think of all the unhappy marriages that continue only because both persons are afraid of the insecurities that breaking up would bring.)

But this kind of rigidity is ultimately destructive to life in its highest sense—change is inevitable, and the potential to adapt to it and continue is vital.  Life is—or should be—a constant, ongoing confrontation between yourself and the world, with an energy that keeps everything fresh and lively.  The problem with this confrontation, however, is that there is always the danger of losing, so most people avoid the confrontation or circumstances within if they can.  To survive half-dead, they reason, is better than to lose.  However, those are not the only alternatives:  it is only fear that makes it seem that way.

Some birth signs are more intuitively understanding of a Uranus transit:  the Cardinal signs (Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn) are governed by major life events and change, so even though an upheaval may come, they seem to be ready to face it. (Aries may say, “Oh, a new adventure that I never considered--but it's something I can sink my teeth into!”; Cancer will think of how it will affect their home and security ("I didn't plan on yet another home improvement!"); Libra will anticipate how to keep peace with the relationships it has established--or how to handle that exotic new connection; Capricorn will look to see how it affects a long-term legacy that has been a lifetime goal--and how to manage the challenges to the long-term project.) 

The Fixed signs (Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius) often resist the hardest (especially Taurians, who do not like to change until they are ready—and Uranus does not give any chance for planning this; a Leo may wonder how it will reflect upon their need for attention and love given and received; a Scorpio will fight it relentlessly, then cast off the old conditions as though they were a dead issue, but Aquarians, being ruled by Uranus, often go with it after an initial stand-off, anticipating a new sense of freedom of self. 

The Mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces) are more adaptable to a Uranus transit time.  (Gemini might find an opportunity to learn something new and wild; Virgo will incorporate the maintenance of schedules into their calibrating-sorting mindset to ensure things get done--sort of a "chaos management"; Sagittarians may seek new unique and visionary venues of philosophy of lifestyles and values that are socially advanced; and Pisces may sigh quietly and just consider it another burden to be accepted in a lifestyle that requires sacrifice regardless--and that the storm will someday mellow when Life's demands are done.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jupiter transits - fortune and opportunity are here!

At the most fundamental level, Jupiter signifies the individual reaching out to include more and more of the universe and its experience within him or herself. It is a planet of growth and enlargement. Do consider learning where and how Jupiter is bringing "more, bigger, and better!" for you!

Additionally, Jupiter will elevate the highest aspects of life: one’s personal view, attitudes toward philosophies, faiths, and social values, and idealism. It is a consciousness-raising/expanding influence.  
A Jupiter transit in a chart is like having a check come in the mail--a BIG check--or maybe even winning a lottery; it's like the door that you have waited to open has suddenly moved on its own and welcomed you; it's a bigger, better, and happier place and time in your life experience. Jupiter transits (moves through) our charts in a complete cycle in 12 years, so it more-or-less spends one year in each house/wedge.

One of the more fruitful memories I have of a Jupiter transit was to my 2nd house of assets and values; in the two times that I observed it, money just flowed like water. However, some people think that a Jupiter transit to the 7th house of relationships means marriage; it may mean liberation from a bad relationship that needs to end. Robert Hand describes a Jupiter transit this way: Jupiter is traditionally known as “the greater Benefic” and in old astrology was thought to produce only good responses and reactions.

And indeed a Jupiter transit (or “movement of responsive action”) is usually quite pleasant and often very beneficial.  Life seems to flow more easily during a Jupiter transit, and whatever you set to do usually succeeds just as you intended in that particular area of life that Jupiter is emphasizing.

In fact, at a trivial level, Jupiter will sometimes enlarge something or make an action grandiose or overdone.  The effect of Jupiter’s energy on your life can range from making one gain weight to enlarging one’s mind and consciousness. Jupiter has a very strong social dimension as well. It is concerned with the social “glue” that holds everything together. Thus, it rules law and the legal system, as well as persons in power and government officials, a function it shares with the Sun.  One negative manifestation of certain Jupiter transits can be problems with the law, especially if Jupiter has a connection to the 9th house (the natural home of Sagittarius; the Law-Truth). On the other hand, there may be legal/moral judgments that you are called upon to render.

The house (realm of life focus) that Jupiter transits indicates the area of life in which you are trying to grow and the means by which you are doing this.  The process may be necessary growth that makes you a wiser and more successful person (in a philosophical sense) or it may be pathological growth—in other words, you are trying to get too much or go too far in this area.Wherever Jupiter transits, you should not take the matters ruled by that house at face value.  The chances are that everything will work out very well, but you should always make sure that you aren’t overdoing or going too far. It is also important to avoid taking more than your share. 

Planets (energy motivators) in your birth chart that are activated by Jupiter’s movement represent energies in your personality that are working smoothly and attaining your objectives. But the warnings given above in connection with the houses (areas of experience) apply here too. Do not overdo. One problem with Jupiter is that you should be careful about what you want, because you are likely to get it.

Nevertheless, most Jupiter transits (movement and action-reaction phases) are quite beneficial for the areas of your life that they relate to. Most people have a relatively easy time with Jupiter squares and oppositions (challenges and compromises).